Chinese Idiom: “滥竽充数 Pretend to an expert!”

Published on by Dana Cooper

Foreigners who are in the process of learning Chinese may have difficulties in writing Chinese composition. How to make your Chinese writings more vivid? How to avoid wrongly written Chinese characters? For the second question, you can watch some online Chinese lessons about how to write Chinese characters, and for the first question, one of the answers is to master some classic Chinese idioms. In today’s online Chinese lesson, I’m going to tell you a classic Chinese idiom, “滥竽充数” and you can also learn such kinds of idioms from our mandarin writing lessons. Now let’s have a look together.

In ancient China, there was a state called Qi, and the king of Qi was very fond of listening to Yu ensembles, a traditional Chinese musical instrument. As many as 300 people were gathered by him to play yu together. Naturally, the king treated these musicians very well.

A man called Nanguo heard that. He was a lazy man and didn’t want to work hard to make a living. Therefore, he told the king that he was an expert in playing Yu, but in fact he was totally unfamiliar with this instrument. The king was very happy and make him join the music band.

When the band played for the king, he stood in the middle of the team and pretended to play, but nobody noticed that, because he didn’t make any sound at all.

When you king died, his son become the new ruler who, although liked the music play, preferred solos. Therefore, Nanguo had to run out of the place because he couldn’t play the yu for the king alone.

This is the origin of the idiom “滥竽充数.” So, it is used to mock someone who pretend to be an expert. If you have questions to write Chinese characters of this idiom, you can ask our professional teachers to get help.

Do you master this Chinese idiom now? You can use it in your Chinese writings to make your composition better. If you have questions about how to use it in your composition, you can check our mandarin writing lessons. More stories bout Chinese idioms can also be found in our Chinese reading online, and our professional native Chinese teachers can also provide you with interesting methods to help you learn how to learn Chinese language. Let’s all for today’s online Chinese lesson, see you next day!

Published on online Chinese lessons

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